Prayer ministry Team Member
Purpose of role
The purpose of the prayer ministry team is to:
- Pray for people, presenting requests to God with confidence that he hears and answers prayer (Ps. 5:3; Eph. 6:18; Phil. 4:6).
- Share God's love through praying with and alongside people, helping them to:
- Meet with Him
- Realize that prayer works
- Obtain "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding." (Phil. 4:7)
- Actively encourage and promote prayer within the life of the church.
- Be open and responsive to the working of the Holy Spirit pray that God's love, guidance and healing power would be released for the benefit of His people and to Jesus' glory.
Main duties:
- To welcome people who come for prayer in a non-judgemental way.
- To patiently listen to the need someone has come with and to bring this to the Lord.
- To keep confidentiality, except in cases of safeguarding and illegal practices.
- To bear in mind that this ministry provides only prayer and not counselling.
- With humble hearts and in openness to God, to seek to show love and care through our prayer ministry.
- To work safely and in accordance with the Church’s Safeguarding Policy.
Special skills
You will:
- Be a good communicator and listener and have a heart for others.
- Be on the electoral roll
- Have an active prayer life
- Have attended prayer ministry training session(s)
Time required
Time after service approx. 15-20mins plus time in private prayer for particular needs as required
Length of commitment
To develop the prayer ministry for our congregation they will benefit most from those who are willing to commit for more than one term. So, a preference would be for at least a one year commitment.
Commitment to Safeguarding
The church is not just a place of worship and where ministry programmes happen, but also a place of safety and trust.
This post potentially includes regulated activity with vulnerable adults. The church is committed to safeguarding and therefore candidates must undergo appropriate DBS checks.
The church takes the safety of everyone within the church very seriously and expects that everyone will work within the church safeguarding policy. In particular, the church expects anyone who becomes aware of a safeguarding risk or of actual abuse, to immediately raise this with the safeguarding officer